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PCB manufacturer China:What is a double-layer PCB?

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What is a double-layer PCB?


PCBmanufacturerChina learned PCB stands for printed circuit board and it’s the foundation of many electronics.  It provides electrical connections between components on the circuit, including resistors and capacitors.



These connections can be made with a single layer of copper, but when you build more complex circuits, you need to add more layers of copper to accommodate additional connections.  When you build a double-layer PCB, you’re stacking two layers of copper together in order to create more complex circuitry.


Hence, a double-layer PCB is one that has two copper layers.  This is a common technique used in making circuit boards, and it can be used to help reduce the number of connections through the board, as well as increase its flexibility.


Advantages and disadvantages of double-layer PCB


Advantages of double-layer PCB

● It’s more resistant to heat than a single-layer PCB.

● It’s more resistant to electromagnetic interference than a single-layer PCB.

● It can be used in high-frequency applications.

● It’s easier to route components on it than on a single-layer PCB.

● It has better signal integrity than a single-layer PCB (e.g., resistance to noise and crosstalk).


Disadvantages of double-layer PCB

● The thermal conductivity of the solder mask is lower than that of bare copper, so heat cannot be dissipated as readily.

● Heat will be generated among the copper wires when conducting heavy currents.

● The double-layer PCB is more expensive to manufacture than single-layer PCBs, which Increased time to manufacture.

● More difficult to inspect during the manufacturing process.


Comparison between single and double-layer PCB



The thickness of single-layer PCB is 1oz, which allows it to be cut into small pieces.  The thickness of double-layer PCB is 2oz, which makes it difficult to cut into small pieces and causes the processing cost to increase.





Applications of double-layer PCB


Double-layer PCBs are used in a variety of applications because they provide increased performance and reliability.  They can also help reduce the number of components needed, which can translate into cost savings.  Some examples include:



Power supplies

Double-layer PCBs are perfect for power supplies because they allow for high current along with high voltage.  These circuit boards are also very reliable and durable.


Telecommunications equipment

Double-layer PCBs help make telecommunications equipment more efficient by reducing energy losses through heat dissipation.  This means that your phone won’t get hot while you’re talking on it!


Medical devices

PCBsupplier learned they also have excellent electrical conductivity, making them ideal for use in sensitive environments like hospitals or laboratories where there may be dangerous electromagnetic interference present as well as high voltage surges that could cause damage to standard circuit boards (such as those found inside computers).

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