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What is Metal core PCB and why is it necessary for PCB circuit boards?

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What is metal core PCB?

MetalcorePCB is a type of PCB that uses a metal core to provide mechanical strength and conductivity.  It’s made of aluminium, copper alloy and other conductive metals.It is used in high-temperature applications like power LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) that are used in lighting circuits and fluorescent lamps.



It is mainly used in power supplies, computer motherboards and other electronic components. The best part is that it can have up to 500 volts or more applied across its surface which makes it good at dissipating heat from electrical devices so they run cooler and last longer than their air-filled counterparts.


Metal core PCB is also used in high-frequency circuits because they require less time to heat up than regular boards do. The reason behind this is that when you have metal on your circuit board, there are no traces at all;  so instead of having lots of wires going through them like we’d see on a normal circuit board with copper traces running through it all over, only one wire goes through each hole which makes them smaller than what we might find on more traditional types such as FR4 epoxy boards or even printed circuits!


The benefits of Metal core PCB

One of the PCB alternatives with a higher thermal conductivity is the metal core PCB.


★ It has a lower thermal resistance than a standard PCB, which means that it can dissipate heat more efficiently and help manage power consumption.   This is important for applications where temperature can be a factor in performance and reliability, such as mobile devices or industrial equipment.

★  The dimensional stability is measured by its coefficient of variation (CV), which is the ratio between the greatest and smallest distances within a sample.

★  The enhanced strength is caused by its increased thickness compared with other PCB materials like FR4 laminates or single-sided PCB.

★  The increased thickness makes them more resistant to bending forces, allowing for greater structural stability in all directions.

★  Metal core PCB is also more rugged and durable than traditional PCBs, making them ideal for use in harsh environments.   And because they don’t rely on insulating materials, they are less likely to be damaged by electromagnetic interference.

★  The most obvious benefit is their enhanced strength, which means that they can withstand higher stress levels and last longer.   This also means that they are more stable in all directions.

★  Metal core PCB is also typically thinner and lighter than traditional PCBs, making them easier to work with and more versatile in a wide range of applications. 


PCBsupplier China talk In this section, we addressed Metal core PCB and why is it necessary for PCB circuit boards.

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