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Rigid flex PCB: Advantages and Applications

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Popularity:310Dated :11-16-2023 11:10【big well Small

What Is a RigidflexPCB?

With a rigid-flex PCB, flexible circuit substrates and rigid circuit substrates are laminated together. Rigid-flex PCBs cross the boundaries of traditional rigid PCBs and the unique properties of flex circuits that use high-ductility electrodeposited or rolled annealed copper conductors photo-etched onto a flexible insulating film. 




PCBmanufacturer talk Rigid-flex PCBs have become more and more popular due to the demand for compact, shock-resistant, and robust electronics.Rigid-flex boards enable:

· The elimination of connectors

· Increased reliability

· Easier testing

· Saved space

· Better thermal resistance



With multiple subcircuits to be connected, connectors are the alternative for transporting power and information through individual subcircuits.These connectors add an additional cost and variable that can cause failure.Connectors are also usually much larger and more involved than the built-in interconnects on rigid-flex boards, which allows for more space to route traces around.


Without interconnects, it becomes significantly easier to probe and automate rigid-flex PCBs, as the subcircuits are already interconnected once the board is manufactured, preventing further waste.If you expect your circuit to be exposed to excessive or repeated shock in high-vibration environments, connectors are more likely to fail.Rigid-flex, on the other hand, is more reliable.With rigid-flex, your board can fold into small profiles, offering significant space-saving opportunities within a small enclosure.



For rigid-flex PCB design, it’s important to keep in mind some of the disadvantages to truly verify that this design-type is suitable for your application.Specifically, the production process for rigid-flex PCB designs is significantly more complex, which may lead to lower production yields.The manufacturing cycle is also longer, resulting in higher fabrication costs.Rigid-flex boards can also be two or three times the cost of a standard flexible circuit with applied stiffener, although this increased cost can be worth it in particular applications and environments (mentioned below).



PCBsupplierChina talk some key industry applications of rigid-flex designs include:


· Consumer appliances such as ovens and washers

· Telecommunications including routers, servers, and satellites

· Medical equipment: pacemakers, drug delivery, and imaging equipment

· Automotive control systems, air conditioners, and navigation systems

· Industrial test equipment and surveillance systems

· Aerospace sensors and control systems

· Military communications, guidance systems, and tracking systems

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