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S&L PCB to continue her success in Electronica Munich 2016

04-19-2016 03:06

China PCB supplier|PCB manufacturer|PCB factory in China|top PCB supplier

For the great success in Electronica Munich 2014, S&L has decided to attend the upcoming Electronica Munich 2016.


S&L introduced her PCB technologies in Telecom, automotive, industrial in the last round of Electronica show and will be bringing her latest achievements including advanced PCB for intelligent robot, wearable healthcare device and UAV to her global customers in Electronica Munich 2016. 


S&L welcomes all the guests to discuss the coporation for the next stage in the Electronica Munich 2016. Stay tuned with us for more exhibition info.


Pictures - on site discussion of S&L and her global guests.

PCB manufacturer|PCB supplier|HDI PCB factory in China|FPC

PCB|PCB supplier|PCB factory in China|PCB manufacturer

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