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PCB factory china:Whar you need to know about yellow PCB?

12-20-2022 02:32

As PCB factory china knows that, when selecting a solder oil or coating method, the color must match the PCB. It’s crafted from shellac dyed in ways thought to protect bare copper threads. The final PCB color, which is achievable through mixing, stands in for the solder mask. Keeping the PCB board safe from damage is one of the most typical functions of the soldering mask. PCB colors are available in many different forms.

Several colors are applicable to the PCB board. Typically, circuit boards will have a green soldering mask. PCBs’ range of colors is expanding as production rates and manufacturing techniques increase. In recent years, most manufacturers have pushed for the increased use of non-green PCBs of varying hues. You should consider using a color apart from green for the Board because of the above.


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