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PCB factory china tells you What types of tests are performed during electrical testing

12-20-2021 06:43

PCB factory china tells you What types of tests are performed during electrical testing:

Capacitance test: This test is designed to detect the open trajectory of the universal card and part of the main card without error, and measure the capacitance by applying charge to reflect the capacitance in different Nets, and compare its value with the card under test to generate a measured value that is different The list of corresponding points.

Continuity test: This test is designed to detect short circuits between the different networks that make up our card to ensure that no current flows between them.

Insulation test: The chemical manufacturing process of printed circuit boards may eventually leave small copper residues, which may or may not adhere to our card nets, and will not indicate a real short circuit between them. But it will shorten the separation distance of its original design. The test is designed to detect these problems between different networks to ensure that their insulation is high enough to avoid unnecessary electrical interactions (for example, voltage jumps or current leakage).


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