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What is Advantages of High TG PCB Board

12-07-2021 03:29

What is Advantages of High TG PCB Board:

1. When the temperature of TG PCB Board increases to a certain area, the substrate will change from "glass state" to "rubber state". The temperature at this time is called the glass transition temperature (TG) of the board. In other words, TG is the highest temperature (℃) at which the substrate maintains rigidity.

2. That is to say, ordinary PCB substrate materials not only produce softening, deformation, melting and other phenomena at high temperatures, but also exhibit a sharp decline in mechanical and electrical properties.

3. The TG of the substrate is increased, and the heat resistance, moisture resistance, chemical resistance, stability and other characteristics of the printed board will be improved and improved. The higher the TG value, the better the temperature resistance of the board, especially in the lead-free process, high TG PCB Board applications are more.


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