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What Health care PCB defects can be detected by X-rays

11-27-2021 12:21

X-rays can detect the internal conditions of component welding. It uses the penetrating power of X-rays to detect insufficient solder, poor solder, solder shorts, and other problems with solder joints.

When there are defects such as voids, slag inclusions and incomplete welding, the defect area of Health care PCB will form bright spots or bright lines. Visually, we can judge whether a certain area in the defect detection image is brighter than the surrounding background area to determine whether the area is a defect. From the perspective of image processing, we can determine whether the area is a defect based on the gray value of the pixel in the defect detection image.

The most likely cause of voids is the solder paste and the component itself. In the X-ray image, some "bubbles" can be seen in the solder joints.

If there is a gray "bridge" between the solder joints, we can basically judge it as a solder short circuit.

If the amount of solder paste is abnormal or SMT deviation, the component may shift. According to the X-ray inspection image, the shadows of the pins and pads do not match, and it can be found that the components are misaligned.

Oxidation of PCB pads can cause poor soldering. The image displayed by X-ray inspection is that the solder joint is significantly larger than the normal solder joint.

During reflow soldering, the solder paste is insufficient or the solder paste flows into nearby through holes. On the X-ray image, the solder joints are smaller than normal.

Due to insufficient soldering temperature and time during reflow soldering, the SMT solder paste is not completely fused, resulting in cold soldering. It is usually difficult to find, but the X-ray inspection image clearly shows the problem.


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