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FPC supplier:Choosing the Right Solder Mask Color

10-28-2021 05:01

While experimenting with various shades can make your FPC project more interesting than the typical green, it is important to realize that the color you use will, to some extent, affect your solder mask performance. For beginners, black, white, and yellow have low resolutions since UV light fails to pass through the entire layer. FPC supplier suggests that a board masked with these colors will display fewer tracks than a similar FPC with a green, red or blue mask. 

On the other hand, though clear solder masks provide the best resolution, they are vulnerable to color shifts, especially during high temperatures and chemical treatment. 

The performance of a color mask is also influenced by solder mask quality. Top FPC manufacturers like Sun&Lynn is a FPC supplier in China have custom shades that guarantee high resolution, temperature, and chemical resistance.  

Businesses often apply different-colored solder masks for aesthetic purposes. Still, different shades can help you quickly identify your FPCs throughout the production process if you do not have custom color specifications. You can apply red, blue, and black solder masks to mark various design phases and then choose green or white for your end product.


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