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What is Health care PCB puzzle

09-11-2021 03:46

Health care PCB puzzle is only for the convenience of production. For Health care PCB manufacturers, their base materials are generally relatively large. They make many boards at a time, and then cut them one by one. If the jigsaw is mainly used for welding production, Imagine a board with a large fingernail is welded one by one on an SMT machine the size of a car.

There are several definitions of Health care PCB puzzle.

1. Convenient for customer plug-ins;

Convenience plug-in is what the customer requires, and you must do it as required.

2. Convenient for manufacturers to produce by themselves;

The convenience of the manufacturer is to facilitate V-cutting and so on.

3. Save materials;

Saving materials is for more perfect use of materials without wasting or leaving too much side material! For example, with a material of 1.2m*1m, you will be perfect when you open a 34*41CM puzzle.


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