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PCB factory china:what will 6G look like?

07-03-2021 12:09

Carriers around the world have launched their 5G networks. Nationwide coverage is available in the US from the big three providers. Compatible smartphones are getting cheaper. The next-generation wireless technology is rapidly maturing.

So let PCB factory china talk about the next-next-generation wireless technology. Yes, 6G.

Each wireless generation lasts about a decade, so 6G is a long, long way from becoming reality. Maybe in 2029 we'll get a hint of a deployment. Still, it's worth considering the technology that will be around the next corner and looking at what wireless researchers are thinking about in terms of its potential.

It's worth looking back before looking to the future. The move to 4G saw a big boost in speed. Now 5G offers greater connectivity for multiple devices, as well as breakneck speeds, particularly in city centers like Times Square and arenas such as football stadiums. While 6G will undoubtedly bring even higher speeds, a key benefit will be using those radios to sense your surroundings as well as to ferry information.

There's already work on this in 5G, with the phone's radio acting like a GPS device to figure out your location. With 6G, your phone will be able to figure out the devices around you, serving as a bridge between the physical and digital worlds. Those nifty augmented reality demos -- the ones that feature digital menus popping up on your eyeglasses screen when you look at a restaurant -- could materialize with 6G.

As PCB factory china know, Apple already uses Bluetooth embedded in its network of devices to let people track objects with its AirTags. But Ji says the 6G experience will be more like radar, allowing for more interaction between devices.


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