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Type of via for Flex rigid PCB

In order to integrate design and production, Flex rigid PCB factory’s engineers need to consider the following issues

Lead-free hot air leveling for rigid flex PCB

Lead-free hot air leveling for rigid flex PCB

Quick Turn Health care PCB Prototypes

In order to test concepts, Health care PCB prototypes are required to ensure functionality. This type of work is done at an extremely rapid pace, as it is impossible to tweak and debug a product until it has been built.

The Evolution of Metal Core PCB Method

The first printed circuit boards were much simpler than the designs we see today. Containing far fewer solder connections and components, the primary form of inspection was called MVI, or manual visual inspection.


As a rule of thumb, unless a customer requests functional testing, you should opt to use either in-circuit testing or flying probe testing to determine that your product is functional.

FPC supplier tells you what is Custom Thickness

FPCs are available in readymade sheets and sizes. More often than not, your FPC supplier has the FPC of your preferred thickness in stock or can quickly obtain it. But did you know that you can specify your FPC thickness?

High frequency PCB Schematic Creation Stage

In order to create a printed circuit board, schematics must be available. High frequency PCB schematics serve as the blueprint of how a printed circuit board will operate.

Flexible PCB manufacturer analysis Laying copper plating in printed circuit board

Flexible PCB manufacturer analysis Laying copper plating in printed circuit board

PCB factory china tells you What types of tests are performed during electrical testing

PCB factory china tells you What types of tests are performed during electrical testing

Automotive PCB:Application of characteristic impedance

Application of characteristic impedance